Sally McMullen

About Me

imageI offer Affordable, High Quality, Compassionate Care.

Education:  I graduated from The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, San Francisco - which is considered the "Harvard University" of my field.  I also did post-graduate acupuncture in the offices of Aubrey Swartz, M.D., a distinguished Orthopedic Surgeon, in San Francisco.  (It is rare that Western doctors, especially orthopedic surgeons, will work with acupuncturists; so I have been very priviliged.)   I also did post-graduate training with several Chinese acupuncture masters in California, including Dr. Miriam Lee, Dr. Richard Tan, and master Chinese herbalist Dr. Feng Fung.

Additional Training:  I completed post-graduate training in "Acupuncture Orthopedics", which is advanced training for treating musculo-skeletal pain, i.e. head to toe pain, including everything from arthritis to sciatica.  And, I encourage patients to treat pain, and other chronic problems, with Chinese herbs as well as acupuncture, whenever possible.  If you are taking Western medications, they often mask the pain while the condition continues to deteriorate. And, Western drugs can have serious side effects, whereas Chinese herbs get to the root of a problem and have little, or no, side effects.  And, you take them for a limited time, not forever!

I'm not only a pain specialist.  Of course, during my 34 years' experience I have also successfully treated many chronic internal issues, like allergies, digestion, women's issues and insomnia.  (Call me if you have any questions.)

Finally, I know that many people are stressed in addition to whatever else is affecting their life.  For you all, I want to mention that I treat Fatigue, Anxiety and Depression (FAD) at the same time.  

Call me to discuss your issues!

If you want additional info, including a list of everything I treat, you may go to my other website at and type in my name and zip code.image