Sally McMullen

Services & Rates


$60 per each hour

There are many different styles of acupuncture.  I use QRN (Quick Response Needling, which gives patients almost instantimage relief of pain and shortens the overall treatment time needed to allow them to get back to their normal activities.

The many overall benefits of acupuncture include:

  • Pain reduction
  • Improved circulation and reduction of inflammation
  • Stress and tension relief
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger digestion
  • Relief from bad habits and addictions
  • Greater sense of overall health and well-being

Chinese Herbology

imageChinese herbal medicine is a 2,000 year old tradition using natural substances — mostly roots, branches and flowers of Chinese plants — to enhance acupuncture treatments and speed up healing.  Herbal medicine also supports the body's self-healing mechanisms and abilities.  Herbs are not needed in every case and are used when the patient needs additional support.  Herbs are taken on a short-term basis, i.e. a couple months -- not for the rest of your life!

I prescribe high-quality, professional-grade herbal medicines that are available only to qualified licensed professionals.  The herb company that I use also sells their herbs in Japan -- where the standards for testing the purity of herbs is even higher than in the U.S.!

The Chinese herbs I sell are in capsule form and easy to swallow.  You can even open the capsule and pour the granules into food or a beverage, and they are relatively inexpensive -- cheap compared to Western medicine -- and have little or no side effects.  Safe, effective and cheap.  What could be better?

Stop Smoking

$50 per each hour

Ideally you would start your Stop Smoking treatment on a Monday, and come in every day through Friday.  In 5 days you will have Stopped Smoking for good!  To make it even easier, you can purchase, on Monday, a bottle of Chinese herbs, that I sellimage, to help your body detox from nicotine quickly.  Getting the nicotine out of your system as fast as possible will stop the craving for nicotine!  Besides detoxing your system from nicotine, the acupuncture and herbs have relaxing and calming effects as you are making the positive changes that will help you live longer and better!

The money you save from deleting cigs from your budget will pay for the acupuncture in no time -- which, besides improving your health, is a win-win strategy!


$60 per each hour

I practice Functional Medicine, which includes diet, exercise and (possibly) meditation training to address all the things that keep us healthy in body and spirit.  If we have time at the end of a session, or if you want to schedule additional time, I can go over your diet, exercise, etc., with you to help you modify anything you want to modify.  I have a keen interest in keeping up with nutrition, and have been at it for many years.  I'm always interested and curious enough to keep up with the latest scientific research in that area; and I'm helped in that endeavor by taking ongoing education classes in acupuncture and nutrition.  I find this work exciting and love to pass on any new information that I learn.
